Europeana heeft onlangs de website voor erfgoed- en cultuurprofessionals vernieuwd. Hiermee combineert Europeana drie voormalige websites (Pro, Research en Labs) tot een nieuwe website. Op de website vind je onder andere publicaties, nieuws en evenementen. De website is nu nog in betaversie.
Van de website, over Europeana pro:
“We transform the world with culture. We build on Europe’s rich cultural heritage and make it easier for people to use for work, learning or pleasure. Our work contributes to an open, knowledgeable and creative society.
We bring together the organizations that have great content with the people and sectors that want to research, share and create new things. Creative collaboration and teamwork matter to us, because that’s where the best ideas come from. We’re always pushing each other forward, innovating with technology to make culture part of everyone’s lives.
Learn about us. Join us. Share your collections. Use our collections. #AllezCulture!”
Bekijk de nieuwe website Europeana Pro.